Archive for December, 2017

Responsive and Responsible AI

Benjamin Perkins C#

I was watching this video where the CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella was talking about AI. He touched on a few interesting points and I really love the way he articulates his thoughts and the choice of his words. He mentioned we need to teach machines to learn so they can do things humans can […]

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Getting started with Lucene.Net 2.9.2 using C#

Benjamin Perkins Lucene.NET

I recently started a project working with Lucene.Net. I am amazed at how simple it was to create and search indexes. I downloaded the source by pointing my TortoiseSVN (subversion) here ( and performing an Import. Once I downloaded it I opened the Lucene.Net.sln solution file in Visual Studio 2010 and compiled it targeting .Net […]

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Var vs. Object data type in C#

Benjamin Perkins C#

Knowing which data type to use in different situations is generally a basic level decision. I mean you do not need to think very hard about storing regular numbers or storing words. I hope you don’t believe that. Actually, choosing the correct data type to store your data can have serious implication on memory, storage, […]

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Create and Consume a WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) service using C#

Benjamin Perkins C#

Creating a simple ‘Hello World’-like WCF service is very simple with Visual Studio 2010. Open Visual Studio 2010 and select New => Project => WCF Service. Name it for example, HelloWorldWCF. It will initially create 2 files for you (IService.cs and IService.svc). Delete them. Right-click on your project and add a new WCF Service named […]

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