Category: Azure

Redeploy Request Submitted – Failed to redeploy

Azure Benjamin Perkins

Having setup an External Git connection to my Azure DevOps repository.  This means I pull the content instead of implementing Azure Pipelines to push changes when committed, this is CI/CD. Figure 1, Sync Azure Function Deployment Center Azure DevOps Same issue as in this article – Access to the path is denied, Azure DevOps, Azure […]

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Access to the path is denied, Azure DevOps, Azure Deployment Center

Azure Functions Benjamin Perkins

I have been doing some testing with Azure Function deployments which requires me to break stuff.  That gets me into some real trouble sometimes when all I want is a deployment to work like normal.  Here are some other articles I wrote also while doing this. Azure DevOps Visual Studio 2022 add source code Missing […]

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Missing Azure DevOps Organization when setting up CI/CD via Deployment Center

Azure Benjamin Perkins

Having worked on Azure for many years now, I have provisioned, deleted, switch, modified so much I sometimes get a bit lost.  I was configuring CI/CD for a project and selected Azure Repos, but when I opened the Organization drop-down I did not see the Azure DevOps organization. Figure 1, why is my Azure DevOps […]

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Machine Keys on an Azure App Service, machineKey multiple, different data centers, regions on Azure

Azure App Service Benjamin Perkins

I wrote this article some time ago, Machine Keys on an Azure App Service, machineKey multiple instances Azure, which describes how and why there are no problems running on multiple instances of your App Service Plan, so long as they are in the same region or datacenter.  This is because, as part of the App […]

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Sending base 64 messages to an Azure Storage Queue for Azure Function

Azure Functions Benjamin Perkins

If you happen to get this exception on an Azure Function when you have an Azure Storage Queue triggered Azure Function: The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or an illegal character among the padding characters. Figure 1, base-64 message required for […]

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